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15 abril, 2011

Formas de Tratamento: Informações sobre o medicamento Letrozole

Em 07/04/11 a Denise, que está com uma tia recentemente diagnosticada com carcinomatose meníngea decorrente de um câncer de pulmão, compartilhou conosco a resposta que obteve do National Cancer Institute sobre o mecidamento Letrozole.
Basicamente, o NCI informa que o Letrozole é indicado para tratamento de câncer de mama.
Como sempre, sugerimos que questionem a equipe médica quanto à possibilidade de uso deste medicamento e de muitos outros, e informem sobre a resposta obtida.
Segue informação:

This is in response to your e-mail to the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Web site, www.cancer.gov, regarding your request for information about the use of letrozole.
This must be a difficult time for you and we hope you will find our information helpful.

The NCI’s resources contain information about the indications of use for letrozole.
You will see in the resources linked below that the drug information summaries for letrozole do not indicate that it may be used with intrathecal methotrexate for neoplastic meningitis due to neuroendocrine lung cancer spread.

Letrozole is a type of hormone therapy that causes a decrease in the amount of estrogen made by the body.
Letrozole is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States to only be used in women with breast cancer, however the primary treatment for neoplastic meningitis is intrathecal chemotherapy. You may wish to speak with her pharmacist or doctor regarding your interest in using this medication for her situation.
DailyMed-Femara (letrozole) 
The following resource is from MedlinePlus which is a service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. This resource contains additional information about letrozole.

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